To touch or to Type That is the question Whether it is nobler for the hand To suffer the trips and typos Of erratic touchscreen Or to take up a real keyboard Against a sea of misspellings and swipes And by hitting real keys End them? To type, to err no more And by typing to say we end The headache, and the thousand textual shocks That touchscreen typing is heir to. To type, to write To write, perhaps even long articles Aye, that’s the problem For in the typing on touch What errors might come When we have sent off that mortal e-mail or text Which will make us pause. There’s the aspect That makes a calamity Of writing long mails and messages For who would bear the Whips and scorns Of swipes and autocorrects The dictionary’s wrongs The grammar getting unseemly The pangs of despised prose The unspeakable delays The insolence of grammar nazis When oneself quietly might make Do with a real keyboard Aye, with real keys too To B or not to B… What will it be Touch Or type Or both BlackBerry?

To B or not to B  To Touch or to Type is the Question  Hamlet on BlackBerry - 95